After that I will come back to my house ASAP because I want to watch Astro channel 311 at 9.30pm. So I would tell my friends that I will going to having a dinner, supper or either lunch with them next time. "The Ultimate Crime Fighters" fantastic ..... But some of the characters I hate them very much so much super much. If whoever watch it before please post a comment for me then we will discuss about the movie. Goodnight.
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Old Friends Gathering..
Today so suddenly one call from unknown call from outsiders. And I thought wrong call or whatever but its my old friends since secondary we know each others. They invite me go to play badminton at night so I would like to accept it since they already find enough people to play. But in the evening, Peter suddenly come to my house because she go to Coral to take a brand new Nokia 2600 series hand phone for me. This hand phone my grandma so like it and the price is ???? Sorry cannot post it here or else my head will be gone.
Head Gonna Explode !!!!
At Tuesday, Josephine didn't work but so got a law test near Gembira complex. She hungry then will fetch her go Mc Donald to eat lunch set. We have a nice chat there and the food was awesome too. At night, I'm going to play badminton because I like to play it. I thought it like was last week 12-13 people come to play in 1 court only then need to rest more and play few matches. Unluckily just 8 people come to play badminton only and the reason why I wouldn't know that also. So tired for 8 people playing 3 hours only for 1 court.
My head like gonna explode maybe I'm too nervous or maybe I'm too aggressive already because I'm too young there? I drank almost 3 tins of 100 plus to make me feel even better. After go back I didn't have my dinner so my grandma cook maggi mee to gave me ate. She put a lot of water already so make the noodles so watering. Its already too late then inside room doing my own things.
Forgot !!!!!
I forgot to update my blog since Monday, for all of my dear reader I'm hear to say apologize. Its was hot and high temperature outside at Monday and me also need to fetch Josephine to go work at 4pm. But she want to have lunch with me so I fetch her to Jelutong Sunshine there to eat Nasi Kandar. At first, I thought is very nice and plenty of food to choose, but the food is really very bad for out taste not like the nasi kandar near Coral Computer there at Pulau Tikus.
Both of us can't finish a plate of rice but still need to pay full amount at the counter. "DON'T WASTE FOOD". After our lunch, we directly go back to my house to rest seem so hot outside then later 3.30pm will fetch her go work. As usual I'm going to fetch her at 7pm but I will stop fetching her go or back to working. The reason I and Josephine break ??? NONSENSE !!!!! I'm just working coming this March 2009 in Coral Computer for only one month then April of 7th I will be go to study Computer Engineering courses.
Monday, February 23, 2009
Whole Day Trip
I forgot to update my blog at Sunday, so now I will update my blog. Early in the morning at Sunday, I have a breakfast with Josephine then fetch 1 people go to church for Sunday service. Today we got a group of church member will go to Lam Wah Hospital to tell our good news about believe in Jesus to all the ill people. The time was so fast but I'm talking none of the ill people, I'm so unhappy about it and I need to ready all the time before its too late.
After that the time was already 3pm then I rush back to change my cloth and ready to play badminton. Peter always come late because he busying some stuff in church, and told me and Josephine go to his house to play Big 2.5. Cantonese call " Chor Dai Di". We just play for fun the whole night in Peter house and its was a tiring day and also happy day for all of us. Goodnight.
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Favourite Day
Like I post just now, Josephine will wake early and I will fetch her after she finish her undang test. She call me at 12.30pm and ask me to fetch her, BUT I'm not yet wake up then me looks so steam steam. Then I ask her to told the driver to fetch her back to my house after that we will go to Adrian at Sungai Nibong because his mum selling Yong Tau Hu at one of the coffee shop. If anyone free better go try there because its was excellent and untongable.
Its really hot outside then we decide to go Queensbay Mall to have a walk and take some air inside. We bought nothing but just a pack of strawberry cause Josephine like to eat it. After for a walk we on the way back to my house to have a rest. I think before IF I got a PS3 I would like to buy a LCD or PLASMA television and that only more comfortable when playing PS3 games. This is only my thinking that I would share with you all.
At night Josephine didn't follow me to church because she wanted to stay in my house to watch Astro because got event LIVE in Genting Highlands. Then I go myself to church for bible study. We just discuss some of the theology of bible and some I get it some is not. We finish the bible study tonight at 10pm.
Josephine said she is hungry then she want go supper with me, and me just tune my Astro to 812 channel then there was Arsenal playing football LIVE so I would like to watch it until 1am. The time is already too late then I just fetch her to have supper at behind of my house only. Is cheap and near after that all go back. Tomorrow got Sunday service better get rest after I'm updating my blog, GOODNIGHT.
Sorry Post Late.
Sorry I posted my blog late because I'm so tired already at Friday. Peter early morning come to my house then fetch me to go Coral Computer to ask for vacancy for me that I want to work on March. Luckily, Aunty Grace gave me a chance to work with her only one month so I will be working at March onwards.
Because I'm too early wake so I will sleep early yesterday night so now I'm only update my blog. Then I go to sleep already, another reason is Josephine will wake up early morning because she will go to have a undang test. The driver will come to fetch her at 7.30am then I also have to fetch her after she finishing test.
Friday, February 20, 2009
Pictures !!!
Thursday, February 19, 2009
No Activities Today.
I thought today will go to one of my customer place to collect the computer because she wanted to reformat her computer. But i had call her to make an appointment but she say that she not available until next week. Then i just have to wait for her call then I will collect the computer and get some side income.
So Josephine didn't work today too, then we together playing left 4 dead. One problem is Josephine line didn't work well so she also auto disconnect then come in come out and makes me feel like playing alone inside the game. I also don't know why she having this kind of problem.
If anyone knows it, PLEASE gave me some comment or teach me how to fix it,thanks.
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Not much thing to update my blog today, just trying to say that I'm so tired every time I back from playing badminton at night. Whole body just can't get it right, maybe I played it too aggressive already. Today Josephine also working, so I need to fetch her at 4pm after that I direct will go to Peter house to change something for my phone.
I also having dinner at his house that cook by his mum, thanks for her mum for dinner. Then at 7pm I need to fetch Josephine back from her working place. Today drive car so traffic must have time affected during back or fetch her. Peter says that he will coming to my place and fetch me to played badminton by motorcycle.
That my life for today, any comment just post it. Thanks and I appreciate for your comment too.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Surprise Day !!!!
Early in the morning, there was a call from Peter. He said wanted to come to my house to find me and doing some business here. Before I woke up, I heard to a voice that got someone sleep beside me. OMG, luckily is Peter. Because my parent come in to take something then they forgot to lock my door up.
A short while only he gone to find his friend already then I just woke up,brush teeth, wash face and bath of course. My cousin came back from his school around 2.30pm which he just study at High School Heng Ee and he will going to school at 3.30pm for activities. Josephine suddenly call me told me that she will working at 3pm so just hurry pack up my things and prepare to fetch her. Very hot outside without knowing that the weather today up to 33'C-35'C probably could up to 40'C also.
When back to my house, me feel so hot and have a second bath again or else me will get burn soon. After that I try to play some games multiplayer with others until nearly 7pm then only fetch Josephine back from her house. Unluckily I forgot to take all her stuff such as her purse and her helmet. I have no idea already then fetch her back to my house to take all her stuff and take her to have a dinner outside. Today all my time was book full and have quite many activities
Monday, February 16, 2009
My computer have spyware I didn't notice that, luckily Adrian my schoolmate told me that was a spyware that not allow you to go any website. So I fix it quite long time at last now I can online already. At the morning Sunday service, I'm playing bass guitar with new Yamaha brand. At the time of 3pm I and Josephine go playing badminton and today there was many people come to play also.
Tonight her sister have an annual dinner from ING insurance so she invite me and all her parent went for the annual dinner at Vistana Hotel. That was fabulous about the food, entertainment and singer as well. ING agency invite Superstar at Hua Hee Tai youngest singer and you all about to see that I take some photo with him.
So there was a game and they need 5 volunteers to came out at the stage to play. I'm the last want pick by the General Manager I think then I just went up to play. I took second place because I'm the second longest to maintain the round stuff around me. What a wonderful night and have a fabulous annual dinner.
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Happy Valentine
Every night my streamyx down or my computer problem, just can't get into any website also. So I will update my blog today. Yesterday is 2009 Valentine Day so I need to celebrate with my girlfriend name Josephine. We already discuss that we are going to Crystal Point to have a lunch there to eat ElMondo Pizza. Why we choose lunch because at night we were going to church for lead the song. After church we were having supper at mamak stall cause she want to eat Maggi Mee Goreng Tomyam. Is quite expensive but she like to eat it. Is already 11.30pm since we having a supper then directly go back home rest.
Saturday, February 14, 2009
New game tested online playing with friends..

My streamyx line suddenly down, so my blog can't update yesterday but now I will update it as soon as possible. I'm going to Josephine house have lunch cause her mother got cook some chicken porridge after that I'm direct go to Wei Loon new house just beside Josephine house only. Then I borrow Wei Loon to install Left 4 Dead game so can try to play it together.
At night we were trying to play together a moment, AWESOME the just is just AWESOME. Never try to played it, 100% should need to try it. 4 person shoot loads of zombie and 4 different kind of boss zombie such as Smoker, Witch, Bommer and Hunter.
Just after finish played Left 4 Dead, my uncle came to my house to play PES 2009 cause he want to play 3 people that I'm alone versus him and my father. Played whole night they just win me 1 match only, I'm think we have played around 12-15 rounds.
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Testing new game today.

What a beautiful today, all the sky cover up by Australia haze. So hope everyone is fine about that cause will effect us then will easily get ill. So today I just go to Josephine house to have a lunch only then make a decision go to Prangin Mall to bought something.
We went there by motorcycle of course at 3pm and first thing I want to buy cats food. My poor little cat were starving and always MEOW MEOW MEOW for food. After that Josephine saw something common just outside the cashier counter. She saw a sparkling juice that she drank before at her friend house and she want to buy it for our Valentine meal.
The sparkling juice just cost us RM7.25 only, is that cheap ? Just now we at Pacific, now we were walking to Prangin Mall to buy a game name Left 4 Dead. I install the game then try to test play, -.-" ( SWEAT !!!!) the game was too awesome and all the zombie is not walking slow but jumping,running and walk fast.
Never experience this kind of game before hope everyone love this game if you are a person like to play first person shooter. So now at night doing nothing online and chatting with friends also update my blog. So free don't forget to read for my next blog.
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Josephine sister also present her something which that I will post it here and share with you all.
What a sleepy day today. I went to Josephine house for lunch cause her mum got cook some good dishes so call me go have a lunch. I thought I'm going back after lunch but I'm so tired then I take a nap in the room. I slept almost 3 hours so suddenly and I also didn't notice that.
Don't know tonight can sleep or not cause slept for so long already. At night already at home doing nothing just playing games or watch television whole night probably. I'm very hoping everyday got computer to give me reformat and installing driver cause that is my interest.
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Tired Day !!!!!
Today is my tired day cause Josephine working then I need to fetch her go working by 3pm. But today we want to having lunch together then only fetch her go working, unluckily Josephine mum already bought a lunch to her so we can't having lunch together.
At the time 7pm, Josephine finish working so I need to fetch her go back then I will prepare my stuff for playing badminton tonight. I'm the earliest person reach there and waiting for others people to come and play. Unluckily, tonight just 8 people come to play badminton only cause Joe go to Sarawak and his brother got dinner. So we 8 people playing badminton for 3 hours, don't kidding. After 9.45pm 1 person gone back early cause too tired already then just left us 7 people play only.
At last, all of us badminton players gone back at 10.41pm and gone back early to rest. What a tiring day I have tonight and should be rest early also. ZZZzzZzZzZzZZzZzzzzz............
Reformating and Installing is fun and is my work.
Let me introduce, his name is Sokorno. Always come to my room to play online game, sienz.
Have any person that playing computer not wearing spec, not wearing anything but wear gogles
Today, many people don't work cause today is Chap Goh Meh Festival. So in the morningthere was a crowd outside my room that make me woke at 12pm. Then I suddenly hear some noise that was so common which someone had open my computer. OH MY GOD, is my cousin Sokorno come to my room to play online game, SDO-X Season 2.
So I'm so tired then I need to rest more and I sleep until 2pm only wake cause I'm sleep late at night. Today my lunch is porridge that cook by my grandma and also " KIAM HU " and " CAI PO EGG ". After everything bath and having meal, is my time to reformat one of my friend computer. Its take me 3 hours to complete all the things done and I also need to take it back to his house by today seem me so free.
At the time of 8.30pm I took the computer to his house and fix it. So another had pass today with a nice and clean work.
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