My streamyx line suddenly down, so my blog can't update yesterday but now I will update it as soon as possible. I'm going to Josephine house have lunch cause her mother got cook some chicken porridge after that I'm direct go to Wei Loon new house just beside Josephine house only. Then I borrow Wei Loon to install Left 4 Dead game so can try to play it together.
At night we were trying to play together a moment, AWESOME the just is just AWESOME. Never try to played it, 100% should need to try it. 4 person shoot loads of zombie and 4 different kind of boss zombie such as Smoker, Witch, Bommer and Hunter.
Just after finish played Left 4 Dead, my uncle came to my house to play PES 2009 cause he want to play 3 people that I'm alone versus him and my father. Played whole night they just win me 1 match only, I'm think we have played around 12-15 rounds.
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